Song of realisation -Chansons de réalisation
Melodies et autres chansons sur:
Like a Dream
Like a dream, like an illusion,
Like a city of Gandharvas,
That’s how birth, and that’s how living,
That’s how dying are taught to be.
From Nagarjuna's Knowledge Fundamental to the Middle Way
Comme un Rêve
Comme un rêve, comme une illusion,
Comme une cité de Gandharvas,
C'est ainsi que la naissance et la vie,
C'est ainsi que la mort apprennent à être.
A Song of Those who are Full of Love but Free of Attachment
Friends are empty forms, like a water moon
To think of them as being truly real
Will only make your many sufferings increase
To know they’re empty forms, like a water moon
Will make illusion-like samadhi increase
Compassion free of clinging will increase
And non-referential view will also increase
And meditation that’s fixation-free
And conduct free of doer, deed increase
Of all the many marvels, this, by far the most marvelous!
Of all the many wonders, this, the most wonderful!
Composed by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, Marpa House, England, August 1997. Translated and arranged by Jim Scott. Translation copyright 2012, Jim Scott
Impartial Aspiration Prayer
All you sentient beings I have a good or bad connection with,
As soon as you have left this confused dimension,
May you be born in the West, in Sukhavati
And once you're born there, complete the bhumis and the paths.
Composed by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, August 29, 1999. Translated and arranged by Jim and Birgit Scott. Translation copyright 2012, Jim and Birgit Scott
Ultimate view, meditation, conduct and fruition
The view the original wisdom which is empty
Meditation, clear light free from fixation
Conduct, continual flow without attachment
Fruition is nakedness, free from every stain
The view, the original wisdom which is empty
Risks getting lost in just being talk and no more
If certainty which is touch with what's meant does not follow
The view will not manage to free you from clinging to self
An that's why definitive certainty means so much.
The meditation, clear light free from fixation
Risks getting lost in just being settling
If original wisdom does not arise from within you
You might settle steadily but this will not set you free
But wisdom does not come from dullness and agitation
And that's why non-wandering mindfulness means so much
This conduct continual flow without attachment
Risks getting lost in only being a pretense
If the view and meditation are not included
The eight worldly Dharmas might mix with your yogic pursuits
And that's why the freedom from clinging and veils means so much.
Fruition as nakedness free from any defects
Risks getting clothed in the garments of attributes
If delusion is not overcome from its source on the inside
Your practice may aim very far but fall very short
And that's why correcting delusion means so much
Milarepa's Dedication
May we live long and be free of illness,
Enjoy freedom, great resources, and happiness.
Next life, may we meet in the pure realm,
May we always practice Dharma and benefit beings.
Under the guidance of Dechen Rangdrol, translated by Ari Goldfield, May 3, 2003. Translation copyright 2012, Ari Goldfield.